Monday 9 September 2013

Braceface #2

If you didn't see my first Braceface post, click here to find out what it's all about! 

So, as you read, i'm at the start of treatment to get braces fitted and on Tuesday, I went back to the Orthodontist to complete the next step. This visit was a little longer than the first and a little more uncomfortable. I'll talk you through what happened...

Firstly, I had the blue spacers out that you saw in my first post. These had pushed my teeth apart far enough for metal rings to be put around my molars. I had toothache for the entire week and struggled to eat anything that required a lot of chewing (and still am struggling!). She then sized up my back teeth and got the right sized metal rings to go around them. Once this was done, I had 3 moulds done; 2 of my top teeth and 1 of my bottom. This was the part I didn't like! As the mould went onto my teeth, the plaster got pushed to the back of my throat and made me gag. I sat for 3 minutes gagging, eyes watering and feet tapping! I'm glad that doesn't have to happen again...

The metal rings that she sized up were then cemented to my molars in preparation for the brace to be fixed on to. This wasn't so bad, just a lot of pulling and tugging! Once that was done, a quick rinse and I was all finished! 

As it looks, this is SO UNCOMFORTABLE and hurts so much. The metal hooks scrap against the inside of my mouth and I still can't really chew foods much. It took me half and hour to eat dinner Wednesday night so i'm trying to stick to softer foods when I can! 

The next appointment I have is for my teeth to be taken out, 4 of them to be exact and i'm not looking forward to that one bit! I'll fill you in once it's been done and let you in on the next part of my treatment. 

I hope this hasn't weirded you out too much, the pictures are a little gross! 


  1. Ouch Emma! I had braces from the age of 15 to about 17. I was called metal mickey at school and allsorts but I knew I'd have the last laugh! It can get very painful but it will all be worth it in the end :-)

    Lou xxx

    1. Haha metal mickey!? Thats a new one! But yeah, its a little uncomfortable and im not looking forward to the pain aspect of it all but it will DEFINITELY be worth it in the end!


  2. Oh gosh, these look so complicated! I hope they're not hurting you, just think about the results afterwards :)

    1. Ha, they're not so bad. Literally just a metal ring around my tooth. They're more uncomfortable than painful although the hooks that stick out cause me to bite the sides of my mouth and Ive got a few ulcers too :(


  3. I know your pain! I had head gear from when I was about 12 and then braces from 13-15 and it was so uncomfortable! It gets better once you have the braces on for a while but just think how happy you will be when you get them taken off! x

    1. Yeah i guess i'll just get used to them after a while. I have to have them on from anything to 3 years! A long time but its my own fault for waiting so long to get them sorted! Least when i get married I can smile in photos!


  4. Hello dear,
    would you like to support each other's blogs via facebook and bloglovin? Or maybe you would like me to write a guest post at your blog? It is really sweet, congrats!

    Best wishes,

  5. I had braces when I was a teen, it is very uncomfortable at first but your mouth seems to toughen up and it won't hurt as much xx

    1. Yeah completely! I think you just get used to pain and dealing with braces. Hopefully it wont be too bad but liek you said, be completely worth it in the end!


  6. I had braces for about five years.. I had a retainer for around three and then train tracks for a year and a half to two years. I hated every minute and had to have operations to rearrange my teeth and everything but it was the best thing I ever did! Having perfect teeth gives you so much confidence :D

    I love your blog and am now following you on bloglovin'. xx

    1. Oh wow - you've been through it all! Train tracks are what i need and then maybe a retainer afterwards but they havent really said much on that! I agree though - its confidence when smiling that i need!



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